Another Sane Voice for Hillary

"The campaign is going very well. Very, very well. Why, what have you heard?" Hillary Clinton on SNL
I'm still a one-armed bandit. If I ever typed with one hand in the 90's (no jokes please), that skill is long gone now. So I'm grateful my galpal Cynthia Johnston offered to give her spin and voice to my own thoughts on Hillary.
HEAD OVER HEELS OVER HILLThanks, Cindy Lou. A lot.
Today I'm going over to Hillary HQ to make some calls into Ohio and Texas. The more I think about drinking the Kool-Aide and going for that Fabulous Obama Feeling, the more my heart tells me to stick with Hillary. Her Saturday Night Live appearance clinched it. One, Tina Fey is one of my super heroes. A FUNNY WOMAN. My whole life, funny women have been my salvation. All my best friends are funny as hell. I LOVE FUNNY WOMEN. And what a revelation. Hillary Clinton is a funny woman! She GETS funny women. She's not afraid to laugh at herself.
Set aside for a minute the fact that she's a super-wonk, with a preternatural grasp of policy details. She also has a sweet sense of humor. Not only would I feel more than secure with her at the helm, I would feel happy. How silly of me to want that. But I do. With all my heart. So today I'm setting aside a mountain of deadlines and heading over the bridge to Virginia. Why stop believing in miracles now? It's gone way beyond politics. At this point the feeling I have in my heart for Hillary Rodham Clinton is love, pure and simple. I love her and I want her to be MY President.
But before I post this little love letter I want to tell you one more reason I support her. It's because of the people who hate her. My father was a spy. When he died, most of his friends were retired CIA agents. Crusty old coots, with a world of hate in their hearts. After my dad died, I went to McDonald's in McLean, Virginia, where a gaggle of old spooks go every morning for breakfast. I asked to join them for a goodbye breakfast, knowing I'd never have a reason to see them again. There was no love lost among us, although I had a modicum of respect for them as my father's colleagues.
As I left the table to go get my breakfast I heard one of them say behind my back, I wonder if SHE inhales. I went back with my food and listened to them grouse about "Billary." They hated her guts. They hated her because she was a feminist. They hated her most of all because she included her maiden name in her married name. The "Rodham" part made them absolutely livid. They hated Bill because of Hillary. They hated him because she was a feminist. I was dumbstruck by the visceral quality of their hatred. It had no basis in anything but misogyny. It was clear to me how much these cold war relics hated women and I secretly reveled in the fact that I would have the last revenge: I would outlive the bastards.
I said my farewells as I stood up to go. Just before I turned to leave I said to them, "Oh, and don't forget to inhale. Or you'll DIE."
I left there a confirmed supporter of Hillary Clinton. I love her for the way she makes me feel and I love her even more for the way she makes a bunch of misogynistic old sons of bitches feel.
More power to Hillary RODHAM Clinton.
And my deepest thanks to Tina Fey and Amy Poehler and the rest of the good people at SNL for waking up the world to the fact that the media, especially Campbell Brown, who should know better, are on a par with a bunch of woman-hating cold-war relics. At last, at this eleventh hour, they're acting more like journalists and less like pathetic, starstruck Obama worshippers.
Vote for Hillary and don't forget to inhale.
One last thought from me: I so fear for our future if the Obama Eloi continue to follow the Media Morlocks blithely without using their heads.
Labels: Blog Bursts, Democrats and Doorknockers, Media Musings, Political Polemics
Dry Bones
Israel's Political Comic Strip since 1973
Just got this by email:
Your thoughtless and ill-considered dismissal of Obama and Obama supporters is quite beneath you, and very disappointing.
It is becoming clear that the Clinton's will do and say anything to regain the White House, and that includes destroying both the Democratic Party and her rival. What she is doing is disgusting and frankly monstrous.
We had a chance with this election to break away from the horrible practices of the Bush years and partisan politics at its worst, and instead the Clintons have taken up these methods as horrible cudgels. It is a very sad day, and I mourn for our country's future.
We might have had the two Democratic candidates conduct positive discussions and debates about the direction they would take us, and details about how they would acheive their goals. Instead it looks like we will have a brutal and ugly campaign of lies and fear.
Fred Barker
Lots to say but it's still hard to type, can somebody answer Fred please?
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