Mal Johnson Memorial

"She was an exceptional trailblazer, whose tenacity and talent made NABJ and the world better." Kathy Times, NABJ Vice President of Broadcast
Last week I wrote about Mal Johnson, broadcast pioneer and my very first boss. I received a wonderful note from another of Mal's colleagues, Frieda Werden, producer, WINGS: Women's International News Gathering Service. She said:
I was googling and found your memoir about Mal on your blog. She and I were friends more and more from about 1992 on - we worked together very closely the last four years especially, in the International Association of Women in Radio & TV. I put up a blog just about Mal, and have excerpted a little of your post and pasted a link. You might like to jaunt over there - it's growing bit by bit. I haven't even posted my own memories yet - I'm still thinking about her and wondering how to say what I felt. I thought what you said was extremely apt, and showed she had the same kind of character throughout her professional life. It's at
Here's info for anyone who can go celebrate the life and legacy of Mal Johnson.
November 30 Memorial Service at National Press Club
A memorial service for Mal Johnson will be held at the National Press Club in Washington DC, on November 30, 2007, 3 to 5 pm. It's being coordinated by Kim Otis, executive director of the National Council of Women's Organizations, Please contact NCWO if you are from an organization that Mal supported and would like to co-sponsor the event or recommend a speaker. The event will be videotaped.
Labels: Celebrity Citings, Eulogies and Elegies, Media Musings
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