Pod Porn

MXL: Maximum Libido
"A Mission Statement is a dense slab of words that a large organization produces when it needs to establish that its workers are not just sitting around downloading Internet porn." Dave Barry
Warning: Adult--and some just plain disgusting--content.
When it comes to the Internet, things catch on fast. And grow exponentially even faster. Take Podcasting, for example. It's come a long way in a very short time. In fact, Podcasting has gone from God to OhGodOhGod in barely a blink.
A scant 2 months ago, I was talking about a new pod phenomenon called Godcasting -- religious sermons available for download on iPods and similar devices. And now--predictable though it might have been--I'm stunned at the rapid proliferation of porn for pods.
What's more, I'm thoroughly grossed out by the sleaziness of some of the offerings. Trust me, I'm no prude; I have erotic tastes like most healthy adults. But I can state unequivocally that I don't get my jollies from Pornographic Incest, for example. And frankly, I say anybody who does needs Pod Psychiatry pronto.
In fact, Maximum Libido does offer Counseling -- but it's not exactly what you think. Or, come to think of it, maybe it is. Here's the intro:
1. You tell us what you would like to improve in your sexuality and/or in your relationship.There's something for everyone at Podcast.net - The Podcast Directory -- just type the words sex, porn, erotic, adult, etc., into the search field. I include the following not as a directory, but as a public service to prevent a mass outbreak of The Creeps. Note: I refuse to provide direct links. I've already washed my hands a hundred times just reviewing this stuff.
2. We evaluate your situation for free.
3. We propose for you a personalized program adapted to your situation (new ways of being or doing) for $69, satisfaction guaranteed!
Your personalized program for better sex is prepared and given to you in the form of an MP3 (audio file).
Start now, click here for your free evaluation.
Note: MXL is not a therapy and does not substitute itself for the expertise of a sex therapist or for that of a doctor.
Pod-porn.comClearly here, as in life, all segments of the population are represented in the porn business. And while many of these sites are run by fairly slick organizations, some--like Miss Kitty up there--are as personal and individual as blogs.
The Adult Auditorium for Intimate Audio Files. Fun, Fantasy, and Erotic Entertainment. For Mature Minds ONLY!
Maximum Libido
Have you run out of: desire, inspiration, complicity? Spice UP your SEX life the MXL way: tips & advice, private counseling, fantasies, erotic stories and more...
Fetish Flame
fetish, sex, rubber, latex, spanking, bdsm, porn, femdom, rope, costumes, adult, polyamory, swingers, swinging, sensual, sesuality
100% Incest by Proxy Podcast
The Official Incest by Proxy Podcast Disclaimer: The following lyrics contain explicit adult content. The lyrics are intended as satire. Any relation to actual persons is purely coincidence etc etc etc... We do not claim that the lyrics of our songs contain any factual info...
Gay Porn Talk- Reviews on Gay Videos, Answer Questions about Gay Sex, Reviews on new adult toys and Reviews on Music. With a Twist. Real, Raw Reviews the will Entertain, Educate and Titillate
Bed Time With Miss Kitty's Podcast
sex, erotic, porn
Wait, BLOGS??
Oh please, NO! Too many Bloggers are already sharing Too Much Information. Now for sure there will be a rush to create Blog Porn, complete with Blogcasting. The Internet is a scary enough place for those with kids -- and with a modicum of taste themselves.
Oh for the days when Porn was as harmless as a Playboy hidden under the mattress. Parents, check your kid's iPod and blogroll to make sure they're not filling their heads and tender ids with sadomasochism, fetishes, incest or anything called Swedish Fetus Fetish Show.
BLECH! Excuse me while I go wash out my iPod.
Labels: Media Musings
Our music is not porn... but thanks for the plug anyway...
Captain Maggotc***
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The one good thing about the Internet porn sites is that you can easily click [ctrl F5] and poof, they are vanished.
As long as there are readers, watchers, and listeners of this stuff, it will continue to grow.
Hey, how about TV shows!!! And TV commercials. I remember when they got in real trouble mentioning the word "toilet" on TV and ole Ed banishing Elvis' hips.
I am very glad we still have freedom of choice...I choose little TV, and websites that activate the mind, not the body.
Thanks for your information!
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