Daily Schmaily

"A moment's paws" Tami Curtis
Yeah, I know it says Daily Sally up there, but it's not like anybody's paying me or anything. In fact, sometimes I have to put the DS rants and ravings aside to meet deadlines on a paid gig.
However. I got a really sweet letter headed Where are you from a really amazing photographer who apparently has the DS blog on her to-read list.
havent had my daily sally in umm... Well a few days. Please get back to writing. You are missed.What writer could resist that?
Plus I actually got a couple other letters in the same vein. Did somebody start a committee or something?
So I promise to try harder. Really.
In the meantime, go look at Life Inspired Art.
Labels: Blog Bursts, Friends and Family, Lifestyles and Levity, Me Myself and I
Hi, I love how you are running this blog. I just started a blog of my own and I was wondering if you would like to do a link exchange with my site. My site can be found at:
If you want to do this, just leave a comment on my site, on any post, and I’ll link you later that night.
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