Katrina - Disaster Info You Can Use

"There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by what is right with America" Bill Clinton
For most of us, if we're lucky, the horror of Katrina is about Other People. But it's a cautionary tale that we should all take very seriously -- it could happen to any of us, any time. And it's become painfully clear we can't always count on our government to protect us, rescue us or take care of us if disaster strikes.
My friend and colleague Cortney turned me on to Y&S Weekly, a newsletter published by young and successful.com. In the wake of Katrina, they've complied a common sense lists and some excellent resources to help us prepare and protect ourselves in the event of any catastrophic event.
Just as many people updated their Living Wills after the Terri Schaivo fiasco, so we should all review this vital information. It could help save our lives, our property and our future.
25 Preventative Measures to Help Protect You, Your Loved Ones, and Your Business in Case of Emergency, Tragedy or Disaster.
It's all spelled out in detail at the site above, including links. Here's the gist of the list, I've bolded my personal Top Ten:
1. Make sure you have basic emergency supply kits for your home, office and car.And if that's not enough, they've got a solid list of critical resources:
2. Know CPR, and brush up on your basic first-aid skills.
3. Make sure your Tetanus shot is up to date.
4. Know where your closest police stations, fire stations and hospitals are.
5. Arrange to have a place to stay with out of town friends or relatives in case of emergency.
6. Designate a family member or friend who lives in a different geographical region than you, as a point of contact in case you can't reach family or friends in an area that’s been adversely impacted.
7. Keep an extra supply of any prescription medicine you need.
8. Don’t forget about your pets! There are special safety precautions you can take for them, too.
9. Make copies of all important documents such as your ID, drivers license, passport, credit cards, insurance cards, birth certificate, social security card, prescriptions, etc., and store them at home, in a sealed envelope with your most trusted out of state friends or family, and online in a password protected or encrypted format.
10. Keep $100 in cash on hand at all times.
11. Keep an emergency credit card with a line of credit.
12. Maintain a safety net of cash.
13. Store valuables and critical personal documents (see #9) in a home safe, wall safe, floor safe, or hidden portable safe. [I vote for a portable, fireproof safe.]
14. Store greater valuables and less critical documentation in a safety deposit box at the bank.
15. Stock up on Space Bags. [I've used these for traveling, they're great.]
16. Make sure your business is prepared for a disaster.
17. Make the investment in appropriate insurance policies, such as homeowners, renters, health, disability, car, and even pet insurance.
18. Create business cards with your personal and business information.
19. Take appropriate safety precautions when returning home.
20. Learn to cope with a traumatic event.
21. Know your blood type.
22. Add a list of emergency phone numbers in your cell phone called ICE (In Case of Emergency).
23. Make a habit of having at least half a tank of gas in your car at all times.
24. Donate money, time, and/or blood to other people now. [Including your own blood if you choose.]
25. Be aware of available resources for emergency help (for example: Prepare.org for people with disabilities and medical issues, Better Business Bureau for disaster tips.)
Cash DonationsI know other sites are providing similar information, but my hat's off to these smart, dedicated young people for their ingenuity and zeal in helping others -- and for getting their act together so quickly. Bush, Chertoff and Brown should all take a page from their book.
Coping Psychologically with Disaster
Federal Disaster Aid
Legal Assistance
Missing People
Small Business Owners
Unemployment Insurance Assistance
Additional Information
Oh, I forgot. Those guys don't read anything that doesn't contain a Profit & Loss statement.
And finally, consider this: On August 29th, FEMA encouraged Americans to donate to three central charities on its web site -- the American Red Cross, America’s Second Harvest and Operation Blessing. We all know the Red Cross. America's Second Harvest is a national food bank. But what is Operation Blessing, you ask? It's Pat Robertson's "charitable" website, which has been under investigation for violations of charitable solicitation laws.
After Bloggers got hold of that info, FEMA pulled Operation Blessing from its website. Is America a great country or what?
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