Alex's Success

Alex and his mom, interviewed by NBC
"People are marvelous in their generosity if they just know the cause is there." Will Rogers
Generosity, when it truly comes from the heart, is a sight to see.
Alex's Alex's Lemonade Stand on Saturday in Margate. A small community, joining together to support one of its own. A little boy with cancer.
Police and firefighters, giving up a precious off-duty Saturday to make lemonade. And adding a very generous collective check to boot.
Patrick Droney and the Bleak City, a local band, playing hours for free to trumpet the event.
Rita's Water Ice, supplying their delectable treats on the house in exchange for donations.
Nix, across the street opening a hot dog stand for donations to the cause.
Teenagers, turning over their allowance and babysitting money instead of buying another lipstick or iTune.
Kids, opening their piggy banks and proffering nickels, dimes, pennies.
Moms with babies. Seniors with canes. Awkward adolescent boys. Self-conscious pre-teen girls. Couples. Families. Teachers. Clergy. Local merchants. Students from elementary to high school to college.
Our own family's recent college grads, one bringing 6 friends to help. One driving 5 hours from Connecticut and then another 5 hours back home again just to be there for Alex.
Countless times, girls approaching Alex's mother to say, "Mrs. A, remember me? I used to baby sit for Alex."
So many friends and neighbors, stopping to ask "How is Alex?" "Our thoughts and prayers are with him, and you."
And Alex. At times overwhelmed by the attention. More often busily handing out lemonade and packets he'd assembled of VHL brochure, bracelet and a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup. Along with his sister Amy and her tireless friend Gigi.
In just a few short hours on a windy, cloudy, chilly day at the shore, the checks, coins, ones, fives, tens and twenties added up. To almost $6000.
You should have been there. If you were, thank you. Thank you so very much.
And if you weren't there, you can still help.
Firstgiving - Two Alex's, One Dream
Labels: Alex Anderson, Doctor Dramas and Dilemmas, Friends and Family
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