Sunday, October 26, 2008
- Bob Dylan - My Personal Chronicle
- How Buddy Cianfrani Kept Me Out of Jail
- Jack Kennedy's Monica?
- Johnny Apple - My Stories
- My Ted Kennedy Chappaquiddick Story
- The Guy in the Blue Jumpsuit
- What I Did to Dan Rather
- Who Served Our County and Who Didn't
- Woodward and Bernstein Back in the Day
- Paul Newman, No Failure To Communicate With Me
- Shouldering Some Surgery, See You in 3-4 Weeks
- Best. Campaign. Twofer. Ever.
- Politicians' Infidelity - Playing with Power
- On Widowhood After (gasp!) Two Years
- Picture Terror
- Heading Back to the Homeland
- Hillary. Oh Hillary
- Obama's Pyrrhic Victory
- DNC Follies
- A Blogger at 35W Bridge Collapse
- alt.campaign
- Back to Blogging
- Blinq, Don't Blinq
- Blinq in Ink
- Blogging for Sanity
- Blog Psychology
- Carnival of the Liberals
- Daily Schmaily
- Doonesbury Blog Attack
- How Smart Is This Blog?
- Meet Citizen Mom
- New Online Shorthand
- Pardon My Appearance
- Pictures That Drive Me Crazy
- Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc + Oy
- Toute La Même
- Under Construction
- Vote for Dry Bones
- Bloggers, Breasts and Bill - Bull
- Breast Cancer - A Fight We Must Win
- Breast Cancer Awareness - Not Boobs R Us
- Breast Feeding Frenzy
- Cancer - All in the Family
- Fight Breast Cancer - Get a Mammogram
- Love Your Family - Please
- Stop Drive-Through Mastectomies
- A Mel Gibson Geshrei (Rant)
- Alec Baldwin - Phone Home
- Billy Joel to Syracuse: I'm Movin' Out
- CRUISEing for a Bruising
- Britney's Spears
- George Clooney Used His Head
- Gibson On the Rocks
- Hell, the Oil Will Kill You!
- I'll Never Have Paris
- Imus and Us
- Kramer, OJ, Mel - Something Wrong with That
- Mel Gibson and The Holocaust - Match Made in Hell
- Mel Gibson - The Passion of the Drunk
- My Night at the Waldorf with Ozzy Osbourne
- Not So Rosie
- Paris Blues
- The Paris Rights Fights
- When I Was Walter Cronkite's Favorite Geek
- Alito's American Dream - A Nightmare
- Alito: Trick or Threat?
- Judge Roberts - Bette Davis Eyes
- No Buyers for Miers
- Oy Vey is Miers!
- Stonewall Sam Alito
- Supreme (Court) Decisions
- Supreme Insult
- Al Gore Steps Up
- Ask Not Who Wrote It
- Democrats - Barack on Track?
- Democrats Have My Number
- Democrats - Win or Lose?
- Dems Opposition to Roberts - ROFLMAO
- Dems and Don'ts
- Dems Take a Cue from
- Democrats Try to Bump It Up
- DEMolition Derby
- House of Murtha - Not Funny
- Kerry Not Stuck In Iraq
- McKinney Pinned
- Pin the Blame on McKinney
- Stop the Insanity! No, Not That Way
- Warning: Bush Administration Harmful to Your Health
- Will The Real Boomers Please Stand Up
- Who Served Our County and Who Didn't
- Women - The Democrat's Best Hope
- Cancer - All in the Family
- Bad Boomer Back
- Breast Cancer - A Fight We Must Win
- Hand Me Some Karma Please
- Happy and HEALTHY Birthday, Karen
- I See Courage
- Lighting the Way
- Liz Spikol and 'Mad Pride'
- Love Your Family - Please
- OJ - A Real Pain in the Neck
- Stem Cell or Hell
- Stop Drive-Through Mastectomies
- Anna Nicole - Legacy of Lunacy
- Aunt Reba - In Memoriam
- Bergman, Antonioni, Malaise
- Bob Guilford Memorial
- C. DeLores Tucker - We Called Her CDT
- Coretta Scott King
- Dana and Chris Reeve - And David
- Death and Details
- Dick Doran - Really RAD
- Dick Doran - A Fitting Farewell
- Everybody's Aunt Rebecca
- Here's to You, Mrs. Robinson
- Johnny Carson - Heeeerrrre's To You
- Kurt Vonnegut
- Lloyd Bentsen Had The Goods
- Lloyd Bentsen - No Dan Quale
- Mal Johnson - Boss and Friend
- Mal Johnson Memorial
- My Tom Snyder Quote
- On Widowhood
- On Being a New Widow
- On Being a Widow, Part 2
- On Widowhood, After One Year
- Peter Jennings - Shaken, Not Stirred
- Pyror and McCarthy - Yin and Yang
- Rest In Peace, Bob
- Suzie's Dad - A Righteous Man
- To Wilson Pickett From Mustang Sally
- Another Plane Crash
- Another Wedding in Israel
- A Special Mother's Day
- Boca Midnight
- Email from Betsy from China
- Email 2 from Betsy from China
- Email from Bill from China
- Email from Ken from Vietnam
- Family Treasures and Troubles
- Fighting Poverty, One Grain At A Time
- I See Courage
- Lighting the Way
- Mother's Day Tears and Laughter
- No Valentine's Day - Just Love
- Simon Wiesenthal: "Justice, Not Vengeance."
- The Promised Land
- Such A Pearl
- Swami Uptown - Grace Notes
- World AIDS Day
- America to Bush: We Need a Break
- Cheaper Gas?
- Hurricanes - The Parent Trap
- Katrina - A Storm of Injustice
- Katrina Creates Homeless Hell
- Katrina - Disaster Info You Can Use
- Katrina - FEMA is a Joke
- Katrina's Real Victims: Justice and Equality
- Katrina - Winds of Spin
- Next Hurricane: ScrewU
- Questions About the Katrina Tapes
- The Fool From FEMA
- Wilma Hits Home
- A Bad Smell At Mattell
- Ads Add Truth?
- Advice for Empty Nesters
- A Joke: The Bronze Rat
- A Living Won't
- American Relationship Tips
- Borat Q and A
- Don't Be A Turkey on Thanksgiving
- European Sex Appeal
- Even Mrs. Robinson Had Limits
- For First Time College Parents
- Friday Funnies
- George and Condi - A Love Story
- Giving Thanks for Thanksgiving
- How Dumb Can People Be?
- iPhone Owners Hang Up
- Senior Sex - Get It, Got It, Good
- Senior Sex - The Lighter Side
- Tag: Getting Personal
- The Chemistry of Government
- The Bush Name Game
- Think, Don't Think
- Who Would You Marry?
- 3 Women - 15 Minutes Too Many
- 9/11 - The Documentary
- Anchorman's Chanukah Goofs
- Another ER Good-Bye
- AOL - Don't Ask, Don't Tell
- AOL - You've Got Free Mail?
- Bagging Big Bird
- Barbaro and The Barbarians
- Barbaro - Horse, NOT Human
- Beauty and the Beast
- Bush's New Snowman
- Can You Picture Vietnam?
- Coulter Takes a Bath
- Defending the Female Orgasm
- Fox Plowed Sally Field
- Greatest American Sham
- Head Butler on Mitch Hedberg
- James Frey and the Truth
- K-K-K-Katie B-B-B-Blew It
- Kennedy Assassination - Marked by Silence
- Live8 - Rich in Talent, Poor on MTV
- Movies For Everybody
- McClellan and The Media - Dancing in the Dark
- Michael Levin - Hero
- Mickey Mouse Media
- North Korea - Not Funny
- No Revelations Here
- No Revelations Please
- Phila Inquirer- Message is the Medium
- Podfather Predicts Pod Porn
- Pod Porn
- Read Confetti Betty
- Rotten(berg)to Andrea Mitchell
- Studio 60 - Entertainment Plus
- That's Entertainment?
- The Sixties - Back to the Future
- The Best Bush Smackdown
- The West Wing - Closed
- The West Wing - Life Should Imitate Art
- West Wing Nuts Arise!
- Yo, McClatchy! Don't Ditch the Inquirer
- Air Travel Do's and Don'ts
- Bad Boomer Back
- Brokeback Mountain, Tookie Williams & Me
- Cornbread and Me
- Happy Birthday, Honey
- Happy Birthday To Me
- Happy Silver Anniversary - To Us
- How Evil Am I?
- Knight Ridder & Me - Writing on the Wall?
- Maturity Bites
- My Baldwin School Education
- My Flag Day Birthday
- My Miss America Record
- My Most Embarrassing High School Moment
- Sally Swift, Comic Heroine
- The Girl From Ipanema - Ruined
- Things That Really Annoy Me
- Three Mile Island - I Was There
- Travel Tales
- Travel Tales 2 - I Have Bad Thoughts
- Andy Reid's Bad Seeds
- Bad Guys: Saddam and Santorum
- Beauty and the Beast
- Bono Pro Santorum Pro Bono?
- Clergy Abuse Report: Too Much Brotherly Love
- Confession Is An Art
- Cornbread and Me
- Corzine VS Forrester - Noisy in Joisey
- Death by Screw Up
- Ebonics - Alive and Well at PGW
- Friday Wrap Up: War and Death
- From the Mouths of Babes: Enough Already!
- Geno's All American
- Got Guns? GET RID OF THEM!
- Guns. Kill. People.
- Hit-and-Run-and-Hide
- How the Philly Phanatic Turned Green
- Live8 and Let Live8
- Liz Spikol
- New Jersey Rocks
- Oh Say Can You See...
- On Military Recruiting - The Write Stuff
- Pennsylvania Power
- Philly Blogger in Afghanistan
- Philly Trivia - Yo! Whaddaya Know?
- Philly Violence
- Road Rage: 2, Judgment: 0
- Santorums - Handicapped?
- Sin and Santorum
- Sometimes You Feel Like a Nutter
- Sports Parenting for Idiots
- Teens and Gun Violence
- The Philadelphia Inquirer's Ace
- Ugly Philly
- Yo! We Got Your News Right Here!
- A Bad Fit for Mitt
- Al Gore & Inconvenient Republicans
- Bad Guys: Saddam and Santorum
- Beating Around the Bush
- Big Fish, Bigger Worm
- Bush: Live Speech - Dead Wrong
- Bush the Decider
- Bush and the Five Polyps
- Bush and US
- Cheney, Gonzales & Rove, Nyuk, Nyuk, Nyuk
- Clearing Deep Throat
- Congress - Pro Violence Against Women?
- Craig - Idaho's Hot Potato
- Dumb Schmidt
- Expletive Deleted - But Valid
- Foley & Friends Should Be Flagged
- Foley Moley!
- Fred Thompson - Law and Order or Chaos?
- Frist, the Evil Filibuster Buster
- Guns Kill People - Congress Protects the NRA
- Image Guru Takes on Burning Bush
- Is Bush That Stupid?
- Jolly Old Olympics
- Libby or Liddy? Same Difference
- Merkel to Bush: Cut That S#!% Out
- Politicians and Religion
- Rove Over
- Rove - A Red Herring?
- Rudy Giuliani - Family Guy
- Run Bush Out of Town on a Poll
- Say Nay to DeLay!
- State of the Union - Bush Speaks?
- The Plame Name Game
- Tom DeLay: Reality Check
- US Senate - Red or Blue?
- Vote for Our Lives
- War on Porn - Screwing the Taxpayers
- We Didn't Start the Fire
- Armageddon Insurance
- A Tale of Two Churches
- Christians and Congress, Take 1
- Christians and Congress, Take 2
- Church or State?
- Feeling Haggard
- Good Friday - Not A National Holiday
- Happy Christmas, Merry Chanukah
- How Many Christians Are Left?
- Laura The Good Christian
- Letters to God
- L'Shanah Tovah 5767
- Passover - Slavery 101
- Pope on the Ropes
- Rosh Hashana - The Book of Life
- Saints and Sinners
- Sermons on the Run
- Stem Cell or Hell
- The New Pope's Past
- The Pope and the Pop Star
- The Pope, Take Two - Wrong!
- The Sin of Pride
- Yom Kippur - A Question of Faith
- Andrea Yates - Justice is Served
- 9.11.05 - Anniversary for Change
- A Bad Day
- Athletes and Ambassadors
- Attacks in Iraq and Airline Crashes
- Charity - A Sticky Subject
- Cheating Online
- Customer Service - The Sound of Silence
- Governor Corzine: Dead Wrong
- How to Deal with Doctors
- If You Do It You'll Go Blind
- It's Commencement, Not Entertainment Tonight
- Jet Blue Boo-Boo
- Motorcycle Morons
- Nazi-Schmazi?
- Our Responsibility: Impeach Bush
- Pat Robertson - The Next Donald Trump?
- Penn or Sword?
- Pharmacists Rights -- and Wrongs
- Quote: Blow DeLay Away! Endquote
- Research This!
- Road Rageous
- Smoke Scream
- Spanking? Somebody Deserves One
- Virginia Tech Lesson: GUN CONTROL
- What a Croc!
- 10,000 Memories
- Aaron Still The Hero, Not Bonds
- Barry Bonds - No Super Hero
- Bye Eagles Bye
- DeTour de France?
- Eagles Flew It, Andy Blew It
- Eagles - Exorcist Curse?
- McNabb - Not All Black and White
- Phillies Phever
- Phillies - WE WON!
- Phillies Turn It Off
- PO'd About T.O.
- Phila Eagles - T.O. Win or not T.O. Win?
- Steroids - Kiss My Asterisk
- Ryan Howard, Regular Guy
- Stick A Fork in the Eagles
- The Eagle Has Crashed
- T.O. 's The One
- Trotter Gets the Ax
- 9.11.07
- Airport Rules Are All Wet
- Blocked and Busy
- Bush Got London Bombed
- Dising Mohammed
- Fitting Tribute for Flight 93?
- Gaza - Yamit: Been There, Done That
- I'm Home and I'm Fine
- Israel - Reality Check
- Israel At War
- My Glasgow
- My Questions on the Israel Question
- Still Lazy After All These Years
- Terror Alert System
- Terrorism - A Daily Fact of Life
- Terrorism - Aftermath Online
- Terrorism In Egypt - Brotherhood in Blood
- The Terror in Terrorism
- Yamit, Israel - A Cautionary Town
- A War, Between Friends
- A War By Any Other Name Still Stinks
- A War Heroine
- Abu Gharib - An OTSD Nightmare
- Antiwar the American Way
- Antiwar Protest - Arrested Development
- Bush Can't Shake Cindy Sheehan
- Carrying the Weight of Iraq
- Cindy Sheehan: Dissent or Descent?
- Images of War
- Iraq - Two Thousand Too Many
- Iraq - Three Wars Too Many
- Light on the War
- Never Again
- No Child Left Unscathed
- Oh Say Can You See
- On Military Recruiting - The Write Stuff
- Our Soldiers Can't Go in Peace
- President Bushwhacker
- Scientology Vs South Park? Wrong War
- Show Us Body Bags and Coffins
- War Gets Personal in Crawford
- War Tunes for Bush
- Blinq.
- BoniLogue
- Citizen Mom
- Cynthia Johnston
- Dry Bones Blog
- Eschaton
- Essential Emmes
- Head Butler
- Jewish, etc.
- Jon Swift (no relation)
- PhillyBlogMap
- Randomly Snarky
- ReginaLewis
- Swami Uptown
- The Liberal Coalition
- The Tattered Coat
- The Trouble With Spikol
- Time Goes By
- War in the SandBox... (if you get a 403 Error, click "bypass this message" link)
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